
私立学校网    2020年09月27日

  小学 小学阶段的课程将在严格遵循国家九年义务教育课程标准和北京课程要求的基础上, 融入国内外优质的教育资源和先进的教学模式。

  初中 初中课程将为学生在高中阶段的学习做充分的准备。 在接下来的几年中,学生将接受更多 授课模式,以此深化在小学阶段所学习的知识及技能, 并为之后更为多元的学习打下坚实的基 础。

  高中 所有学生将会在高中阶段享有更多的学科选择权, 并通过国家课程与国际化理念的融合式学习,自主合理运用自己的时间,完成的课业,达到预期的目标。

  我们关注学生体能、智力、感情和品德的全面均衡发展;强调国家传统课程的学习,所有学生将 学习至少两种语言。课程紧扣以国家课程为纲的教学目标,将使学生获得优异成绩,有机会进入 世界优秀大学进行深造。

  Primary School The curriculum for students in Primary is a progressive blend of core elements of the Chinese National Curriculum, blended with international education resources and methodology.

  Middle School The curriculum for Middle School prepares students for the pathways they will follow in the secondary stage of learning. During these years, students immerse themselves in programmes of study in order to prepare them for the rigour of the secondary studies, at the same time continuing to deepen the knowledge and skills learned in the primary stage of learning.

  Secondary School This is the final and most crucial stage of learning. Success during these final three years results in students being able to apply for their university of choice. NAS strives to personalise student pathways to secure the necessary examination results for students to be able to pursue their future aspirations, however, these pathway choices must be entered into with the required entry levels for language acquisition skill.

  Our curriculum programme designed to develop students’ English Language Learning, as well as their social skills, critical thinking skills and learning styles, so that they are well prepared to meet the demands of the top universities.

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