
私立学校网    2020年09月28日

  1. 纯正国际学校标准 An International School Culture


  Built and managed according to international school principals and philosophies. We provide an international education without going abroad. Building a Chinese school that offers the CNC and the IBDP Programme in an international setting.

  2. 融合课程、中西合璧 Integrated Curriculum of Chinese and Western


  Integrating the IB and the Chinese National Curriculum, with domestic and foreign entrance requirements, the school maintains a Chinese traditional culture while fully reflecting the many cultures of the world.

  3. 特色教育、全人培养 Featured Education and Holistic Cultivation


  Enquiry-based teaching develops students' curiosity and perceptions. It especially cultivates the spirit of exploration and innovation.

  4. 一站式教育通道、直通世界名校A FastTrack to World Top Universities


  We provide education for K-12. Students in Grade 12 who obtain the diploma issued by the International Baccalaureate giving a competitive edge for our students’ accessing world renowned universities.

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